Saturday, December 5, 2009

What contributes to the psycho emotional makeup of narcissistic men?

Did they have abusive pasts? Are they stunted emotionally? Can they ever change, mature, better themselves?What contributes to the psycho emotional makeup of narcissistic men?
As usual a number of the people answering have no idea what they are talking about. There is a big difference between the layman's conception of what a narcissist is, and what the psychological definition is. Some call them malignant narcissists and that they suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, which is a fancy way of saying, '; a really f'd up, rotten, piece of garbage. As someone said Freud believed that at birth we all go through a phase of narcissistic behavior, but the NPD person never grows out of it, possibly from lack of attention from the parents.Someone with NPD is stuck at a maturity level of a 6 yr old, and they have the same lame fantasies that are like a 15 yr olds throughout their lives. Someone has no idea of what they are talking about said it was mostly females who suffer from NPD, that is the diametric opposite of the truth. Seventy-five percent of NPD sufferers are male. Personality disorders aren't mental illnesses, they are people who fit a psychological profile of someone with a messed up personality in a specific way. Someone else said that NPD guys can change--also the opposite of the truth. They can't change, almost none of them ever change at all, even though they tend to mellow with age, and usually suffer from depression. It is very rare that anyone with NPD gets better. They won't even admit they have NPD let alone seek help. It is a common misconception that a narcissist loves himself, but malignant narcissism is a form of self-loathing. They tend to self-aggrandizement, see people in black-and-white, are pathological liars, given to slander, think way too highly of themselves without warrant, will lie about their accomplishments. If you know someone you suspect suffers from severe NPD, it would be best to cut them off and never speak to them again. I've had to deal with a few of these disgusting cowards, and it isn't worth your effort. They live in a fantasy world where they are great and special, and try to destroy people's lives to feel good about themselves.

Edit: DGB, it is of my understanding that NPD eases up later on in life after looks fade, crazy dreams of ultimate power, etc., even to them becomes obvious that their askew reality is a bit off. Also, BPD is quite treatable. It may not be easy, but advances in behavioral therapy in recent years have proven quite successful. BPD responds to drug therapy, while NPD does not.What contributes to the psycho emotional makeup of narcissistic men?
I think those men weren't abused when they were children. If anything, they had the opposite experience. They were treated as the ';golden boy'; in their families and didn't have to do any work around the house because the other family members did it all for them. They were also coddled and had parents who were willing to fight their battles for them. As a result, they are emotionally stunted and unable to see the world beyond themselves.
No, Jocelyn, men are much more likely to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder than women. It's a fact.鈥?/a>

From the article:

';The lifetime prevalence of the disorder was significantly greater among men than among women (8 versus 5 percent).';

Did you really think you knew what you were talking about, or did you just make it up and think no one would call you on it?
i wish i wish i wish i wish it were only women who were narcissistic. yes indeed, i have known more than my share of women who fit the bill; but there are PLENTY of narcissistic men out there! fathers, boyfriends, brothers, etc. it's heartbreaking and truly damaging to have one in your life, and shouldnt be trivialised by jocelyn and whatever ';studies'; ';she's';, *ahem* talking about.

but to answer the sub questions;

abuse? not necessarily, or no more than any of us.

stunted? YES. because they cannot internalise the feelings of others or empathise, exploit people for what they can provide, without ';give and take';, demand constant attention and praise, and can be intolerant and intrusive.

no. if a man (person) is truly narcissistic, he does not see that he has a problem, thinks therapy is stupid, and in fact, will only worsen with age. only borderline personality disorder is more...intractable. it's not a chemical problem and cant be treated with medication.

what contributes...? in my experience, narcissists can come from an abusive or shaming childhood, or have been spoiled and praised without actually achieving anything worthy, or they can be super sensitive children who were neglected in some way by parents, or came from big families where they got lost in the mix, or absorbed negativity, or just never received enough or the right sort of attention. sometimes, i think they were just born @-holes.

either way, there is just NO pounding or pleading into their heads the fact that you are a person with feelings and needs that deserve recognition and action, and not just an ';other'; put on this earth to fulfill the demands or play out the drama of the narcissistic individual. it will not change.
Boys are raised, mostly by their mother, to be self-reliant, strong, and independent. Highly conducive to breeding narcissism don't you think?

By the way, I've know more female narcissists than male. The stats given that males are more so are another feminst myth.

Hypersensitive, selfish, childish, princess mentality? Maybe we just confuse female narcissism with their ';normal'; behaviour.
Sigmund Freud believed that some narcissism is an essential part of all of us from birth and was the first to use the term in the reference to psychology.

Andrew Morrison claims that, in adults, a reasonable amount of healthy narcissism allows the individual's perception of his needs to be balanced in relation to others.
Maybe it was from observing their parents. Although you gotta admit, the way women fawn over attractive kind of gives these guys justification.

Just to be fair, attractive women are sometimes total B*tches who evoke the same questions in me that you ask about men.
a lot of them do have an abusive past, but its unclear if thats a cause of narcissistic personality disorder

yes they can change, with psychiatric treatment.... like a psychiatrist.... its hard though... requires a lot of effort
Stars you can email me rather you did that then talk about me on a public forum

Shut up.. and report to my in box.
Actually, studies show that it's women who are narcissistic
It's defensive behavior.

It's better to love yourself than love someone else who hurts you. Right?
The only cure for narcissism is a car accident or a bat to the face.
No, no, no, let's talk about meeeeee!

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